micro:bit is a tiny programmable computer, designed to make learning and teaching easy and fun!

You can use your BBC micro:bit for all sorts of cool creations, from robots to musical instruments – the possibilities are endless.

It can be coded from any web browser in Blocks, Javascript, Python, Scratch and more; no software required.

CoderDojo Banbridge were lucky enough to receive 10 micro:bit computers from the micro:bit educational foundation via the CoderDojo England and Wales team.

CoderDojo Badges

The CoderDojo foundation currently do not award specific badges for the micro:bit, but it can certainly be used as a tool to gain badges in python

Learning Resources

Resource Details
Let’s Code Details on the various options for coding the micro:bit
Python Tutorials Awesome tutorials on using Python to program the micro:bit
Blocks Reference Details on what the different blocks do with the micro:bit
Code Club Some exciting projects from Code Club