1 minute read

Over the last 12 months, our dojo has taken part in a very successful fund raising drive as part of Deep River Rock’s #ThirstForBetter campaign.

The campaign was flagged for our attention by one of our ninja’s parents, Declan Martin (look out for that name again below) and our (then newly formed) committee set up an account for us to participate.

The campaign was very straightforward. On the inside of labels was a unique code, which when entered on our own campaign page, awarded our dojo 10p. 10p doesn’t sound like much, but it’s actually a very large contribution in comparison to other schemes such as Amazon Smile and the likes.

A number of local businesses/groups helped out by putting up campaign posters and collecting bottle/labels for us, including:

  • BP Petrol Station, Dromore Road
  • Ballydown Filling Station
  • Tesco
  • FIT Banbridge
  • Banbridge Leisure Centre
  • Banbridge Academy

In addition to that, our mentors did a fantastic effort as always collecting labels in their places of work and also entering codes in from labels handed in from parents & ninjas.

As hinted at above, kicking off the campaign wasn’t the only contribution that Declan Martin made. On (of all days!) April Fools day we got a message from Declan letting us know that he’d won a competition. This was being run by Apple Green and Deep River Rock which gave the winner a chance to nominate a charity which was part of the #ThirstForBetter to win £1000 towards their campaign. Wow! A million thanks to Declan!

So how did we end up collecting? A grand total of:


We look forward to engaging with our ninjas in the months ahead to identify opportunities to invest in, whether that is equipment or other activities, that will enrich their time at the dojo.

We are so grateful to everyone who took the time to either collect bottle or labels for us and those who entered the codes onto the campaign site for us.
